Wanna see what happens when even a guy with CURSED genetics gets THT and does it to a T? He gains! He gains like on no other program.
Quick definition: An ectomorph is someone who is naturally very skinny and finds it VERY hard to gain any muscle whatsoever.
If THT can do this for an ectomorph, what can it do for you?
Dave Arnold is 33 years old from Delaware in the US. This is his facebook profile.
Dave got in touch with me and said:
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve learned a lot from you that has helped me get closer to my goals.
I started THT almost a year ago. I followed it 100%, every set to failure resting the prescribed amounts between sets.
The attached pics are 6 weeks apart. I’m a lot stronger. I’d say my BF% is 10-11% now [down from 15.5%]
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Applying the principles in your free book is what got me going in the right direction.
Thanks Mark!

Dave Before He Got Started

Dave after just 6 weeks on THT as an ectomorph. More muscle and less fat as THT promises.

Dave starting to pack on the pounds of muscle on THT. He’s well on his way!
These gains are not unusual for guys (and girls) starting to learn how to train correctly once and for all. See here for more incredible THT gains.
Why? Because, like any physiological process, building muscle is a science. All the varying and interdependent principles that lead to growth are what comprise THT training.
Stop groping around in the dark looking for a good routine. The only one you need is right here!
Like one Muscle Hacker said,
“Let me put this straight: THT is the BEST program out there. I’ve never had these kind of results from any other workout. I’ll never train another way again”
Train With Intensity!
This is awesome for such a short time period! As an ecto this gives me inspiration. First time visitor here, THT starts next Monday!!
important side note that you REALLY should add to your diet plan booklets:
1) 5 eggs = 300 percent or more of daily cholesterol
2) Chicken (200g) suggested = 60ish percent of daily cholesterol
3) note cholesterol in BACON as well as PROTEIN SHAKES – also not reasonable in large volume (particularly alongside 5 eggs 😉
In general, most low carb cutting diets send cholesterol through the roof. Not ‘up’ but rather, through.the.roof. For anybody with a cholesterol issue, strongly consider running this diet by your doctor or nurse before going all in.
Just some food for thought. I was doing some serious cutting every late winter/spring for years until this year, when I was informed that my cholesterol had become a nightmare over time.
@Dave. I’ve covered the cholesterol issue several times on this site; do a quick search. Dietary cholesterol doesn’t mean anything. Also, your total cholesterol levels don’t tell you anything as evidenced by the fact that half of heart attacks are from people with normal or low cholesterol levels.
The best measure is your HDL to triglycerides ratio, which is a great indicator for LDL particle size. With this in mind, people eat the foods you mention (when coupled with low carb intake) invariably see improvements in their cholesterol.
For more on this see Jimmy Moore’s new book Cholesterol Clarity or the new Cereal Killers movie.
This is great, it’d also be good with these testimonials if the person was to detail their macros (protein:fat:carbs) intake..so the readers could understand and apply to their lives 🙂 just a helpful suggestion 🙂
As a strict follower of MAN’S diet and TSPA (although I don’t consider it diet). My cholesterol levels are stellar. I eat somewhere between 4-12 eggs a day. Bacon twice 2-3 times a week. All the chicken in the world. Red meat plus wild game meat religiously. I’m 47 and have never looked or felt better. I can’t get into the science of it all but I am proof that Mark’s work is bullet proof. Hdl levels to triglycerides levels are in check. Best thing of all, my test levels are above normal for my age, which always want the case. Which is diet related for sure. I do understand the hesitation but not anymore.