Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Rows will be playing a role in the NEW THT 5 workouts.

This article will show you how to do them with proper muscle-building form.

So let’s FORCE some new growth in those lats once and for all.

How To Do Dumbbell Rows

 Place one knee on a bench and grab the end with your supporting hand for stabilization.

 Your torso should be just above horizontal.

 Grab dumbbell off the floor and pull up towards your side.

 Row up until it makes contact with your ribs. This should take about 1 second.

 Lower arm until straightened and your shoulder is stretched downward. This lowering should take about 2 seconds. The important thing to remember is to lower slowly and smoothly under full muscular control. This recruits more muscle fibers and helps stimulate more growth.

 Towards the end of the set when you can’t quite reach the point where the dumbbell is touching your ribs, you can rotate your torso a little during the lifting phase. Do this only if necessary and do it smoothly; do NOT jerk the weight up.

Now go do your dumbbell rows in this fashion and build yourself some kick-ass lats!

Your Buddy,


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