Can women get ripped in their 40’s? Even mothers who have given birth 4 times? YEP!
(please read this post to the end because I have a bit of a “wake up call” for you men reading this)
I was recently contacted by Davina Friese who told me that she is the leanest she’s ever been at 41 years old in just 3 weeks on Total Six Pack Abs.
Please pay attention to what she says on the issue on exercise NOT being very effective, and diet being ALL-IMPORTANT, when it comes to fast fat loss.
This is Davina’s facebook profile as proof of authenticity.
“I’ve been following your Total Six Pack Abs way of eating for three weeks and I’m at the leanest I have ever been!
I’m 41, mom of 4 (16 yo daughter, 14 yo son and twin 12 yo boys) living in Melbourne, Florida, USA.

Total Six Pack Abs – The Fat-Torching, Muscle-Sculpting program trusted by thousands! Click the pic for more details.
Dropped 40 lbs in 2007 and have been active ever since.
Food has been my biggest struggle. I could work out several times a week (H.I.I.T style/combined with strength training) and still not lose the body fat I wanted.
Last month, I stumbled across your Total Six Pack Abs book, purchased it and decided to track macros.
I was surprised to see I was not getting enough protein and even though I was eating whole food carbs, I was eating way too many.
Since using your TSPA calculator [comes from with the program] to figure out my macros, I have had amazing results, and see my goals within reach.
I’m so happy to finally be achieving these goals!”
Just to hammer the point home – you will NEVER get ripped trying to “cardio” your way to a six-pack. In fact, you’ll probably lose muscle if you do too much.
In order of effectiveness, the 3 most important factors to getting ripped are:
- Diet
- Weight Training
- Cardio
If you doubt this fact, or just want to know more, see this post, ‘Want To Lose Belly Fat? Skip The Cardio & Lift Weights‘.
And Davina is not the only female to get shredded with TSPA. Here are some more incredible ladies…

SHREDDED! Lisandra Benitez
Interesting to note, at the time these ladies sent me their testimonials, they were all in their 30’s and 40’s. Which brings me to my next point…
ATTENTION MEN! You should be aware that it’s harder for women to get ripped than it is for us guys.
For hormonal reasons they hold on to fat more than we do. Their fat loss rates tend to be slower than ours. They don’t have our level of muscle mass. And they just have more fat to begin with.
Couple all this with the fact that these women are getting ripped in their 40’s after child birth on TSPA, what excuse do us men have? I cringe when I hear guys in their 20’s (sometimes teens) email me complaining that they can’t get a six-pack. Get real!!
By the way, Total Six Pack Abs comes with an 8-week no-quibble money-back guarantee. You get your abs or you get your money back. I’m that confident about this program.
Fair enough, you may have followed an ineffective strategy in the past. But now you know one that works, if you haven’t attained the results you want, it’s your own (lazy) fault. Sorry, but I have to tell it like it is.
The following is point 10 from my post ‘Top 10 Ways To Get Ripped’
(10) Finally…Keep Going & Quit Your Whining
“I’m hungry”
“This training is too hard”
“I’m too tired for the gym today”
“I wish I could eat [enter your fav junk food]”
“I want my mommy”
Shhhhhhhhhhhh. Be quiet.
Remember you’re in good company. We all went hungry sometimes to look like this. We all trained when we didn’t want to. You’re not special. So stop asking for a miracle and do what the rest of us did to look this way.
You want this? You really want this? Then shut up and get on with it.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask below and I will help you.
If you don’t need to focus on fat loss now and just want muscle gains in the fastest way possible, download THT training below. After inputting your email, you will be taken directly to the download page for instant access to the workout. You don’t need to log into your email to confirm anything.
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Train With Intensity!
Very inspiring! Well done to everyone involved.
lol thanks for the wake up call Mark. Some men do need a kick the ass to get into gear!!
I realize that you are not a doctor, yet I’m still asking for advice. I have been diabetic for the last 14 years and have accumulated a signifigant “fat pack” since insulin is usually administered in my stomach area. Is there any advice you can give to help me?
Great, info and inspiring. Can TSPA and the calculator be tailored to work with a plant based low oil/fat diet?
@Paul. Yes I have seen the type of thing you are talking about. What happens when you reduce carbs (say to lower than 60g net/day) within the context of a caloric deficit? Maybe 500 cals below? Have you tried this?
@Tom. It can work on a plant-based diet but not with a low fat/oil diet. Fat is an important nutrient on TSPA.
Hey Mark,
I’ve been interested about your 6 pack abs training program for a few months now, peaking my interest more so at times than others due to a very busy schedule. I was wondering however, how compatible is your 6 pack training program with an ALL body weight workout? My primary goal isn’t to get “big”, but rather lean and cut. Would my body weight workouts and your program align with each other?
Great motivation for the guys out there making excuses. Keep up the great work!
Mark I have one question. I am planning to try your TSPA starting from next month but I was wondering if it goes well during my fasting month of Ramadan or should I start it after the fasting month?
Let’s give credit to women in their 50’s also. Check out my profile and pics at I am a 51 year old mother of 5 kids (ages 8 to 32). I feel like I’m 25. Actually at age 25 I was not this fit.
@Cam. Hey. Yes the diet in TSPA will get you ripped up. With the type of training you want to do, you won’t add size most likely, but it would seem that you don’t want to anyway. So you’re good to go 🙂
@Brian. Thanks 🙂
@Abdulla. Since the diet is the most important factor, I’d recommend you wait until after Ramadan.
@Suesse. Wow, I can’t believe you are 51. So inspiring. great pics. Here is the profile for anyone else who wants to check out Suesse’s profile
Yes I have Mark with little results.