I got an interesting testimonial with pics in my inbox recently that I had to share.
What made it so interesting?
This line…“My company is Bethesda Bagels and I hope this helps show I’m not a fake. www.bethesdabagels.com is my family business and honestly I’m just trying to physically keep up with my dad and brother, both are much bigger than I am. www.bethesdabagels.com (301)652-8990”.
Bagels and getting ripped don’t usually go together, so I was intrigued.
If the above info isn’t enough for the douches/cynics that these posts usually attract, this is Lee’s Facebook profile as well.
So let’s hear what he had to say…
“Mark, I wanted to start off by saying thank you.
“I started on your website at the beginning of March ’11. Now, I had already started working out and eating better, but my improvements were few and far between. I was probably around 190lbs roughly when I started your website’s programs. I was lifting multiple times a week, hitting each body part way too much; basically doing everything you pointed out not to do.
“While my diet was never bad to speak of, I never really denied my body any foods, or really put any nutrients into it, which kept me floating between 190-200lbs for the past 12 years or so.
“I now workout 5-6 days a week following your Total Six Pack Abs program, along with watching all my foods.
“Now I won’t lie either, this all started because of Twilight the stupid movie. When it came out those 2 guys (skinny vampire, crazy buff werewolf) seemed to be the 2 icons of what men should look like. Now I am NOT one to care about those types of things, but you can’t help ignore what people talk about constantly. I made a joke that if that’s what my wife wanted, I could become her skinny vampire in no time, followed by my transformation into a werewolf type body.
“All joking aside, neither my wife nor I thought that I would ever be able to do anything close to what I’ve accomplished.

Lee’s Before & After Shots
“That first photo was from summer ’09, although my body didn’t really change much at all until sometime late 2010. And that was just from starting to do some cardio, which shed a pound here or there, but no body or physical improvement.
“I now take my multi-vitamin, my pre-workout drink along with Creatine before I workout, followed by creatine, protein and joint repair vitamins.
“I do very little cardio although I have been starting a little bit since hockey is starting back up, only to keep my lungs in shape.
“I totally understand people who are skeptics, I myself have been one for years. I honestly did your program for about 2 months in order to cut everything. I kind of went crazy as I was going on vacation. I have been chubby my whole life and I’m loving every single minute of vacation with a body I’m not afraid to show off. (been without a shirt most of the time thanks to you).
“I also wanted to emphasize to anyone who may read this if you decide to publish it, that I am by far the most normal guy you can find. I’m not built with a martial arts background, or brought up playing extreme sports and lifting my whole life. I am a 27 year old guy, who works retail, with my only physical activities being hockey once a week since I was a kid.
“On top of that I never really lifted any weights, and had all sorts of back issues before this change. I never thought I could accomplish anything physically due to all the times I’ve tried and failed using others methods that just don’t pay off.
“Mark, again, your website is amazing and its changed my life forever. I could not be happier with my new and improved body, and I am only going to take it to a whole new level. Thanks for providing such quality information, of which 99% of it is free. You really are one of a kind.
“Lee Fleishman from Germantown, Maryland.
Well done, Lee!
That’s a major achievement, especially in light of the fact that you’re constantly surrounded by bagels!
It’s always great to have another Muscle Hacker and TSPA’er in the fold!
Your Buddy,
P.S. I’m quietly working on THT 4.0 in the background guys! It’s definitely dropping this month (May ’11)
Now that’s a great motivational story.
Awesome work Lee! I don’t see how anyone following all the recent testimonials could have any doubts. Mark’s method obviously works well!
Welcome to the MuscleHack family, Lee! Keep going and you’ll get nothing more than great results!
All the best
It’s sad that people have to show private info to prove it’s a real testimonial. If the program didn’t work, surely people would’ve exposed it by now? It’s SO easy to spread the word about bad products online nowadays, so unless Mark has done some Illuminati-style, Da Vinci code cover up, TSPA actually works!
If you want to ‘expose’ him, do the program, show your lack of results, and get a refund. Easy!
Anyway, I bought the program in March and didn’t do it. It was hard to believe that doing no cardio would work. I wish I’d started back then! I’d have abs by now or at least pretty close! Never too late. I’m starting today. I hope, no, I WILL, show my results this year.
PS. Don’t worry, I’ll provide the following as proof if my results are chosen: DNA, postal and email address, British criminal record checks, fingerprints, hair samples, photographs, youtube videos, and signed statements by witnesses who’ve known me for at least 5 yrs (Mum, Dad, sister and dog excluded)…Darn. That’s still not enough, is it?
Mark, are you really recommending the ON Opti multivitamins? I read a ConsumerLabs test that said they found lead… does it provide an advantage over similar products that don’t have the lead content? Thanks for your website, love it!!
Rock on!!!!
@Zahra. lol. Yeah, it’s a conspiracy to “take care of” all the people who say bad things about the book (are there any?). I’m sure your proof still wouldn’t be enough for some people. They must actually believe that it’s impossible to get ripped or something; otherwise why wouldn’t they believe it?
@Tom. Have you a link or anything I could look at? Thanks.
I’m on my second week of TSPA and this is great motivation! Well done Lee! Be proud and congratulation’s on looking better than the skinny teen vampire actors! 😀
I always found the people who don’t believe this is real, hilarious. Is it really much more easier to believe that a certain pill or a miracle protein drink will give you a ripped six-pack, but a solid diet based on even more solid scientific research and understanding on human nutrition will NOT? Yes take this (insert product name) shake and you will gain 1000000000000000000000pounds of lean weight. Take this pill and you will get 12 pack! Yes much more believable than TSPA!
Hey, the personal information also serves as a great advertisement. 😉
As for Mark’s program, there’s nothing in it that’s controversial or defies logic. He’s just summarized scientific bodybuilding knowledge into a great program that works, if you follow it. I have not seen him make any claims that it’s a magical program that will give you a “beach body in 4 weeks!!” or any such nonsense. I’ve found Mark’s site to be an invaluable source of information!
Another great testimonial, good job Lee. I can’t wait to turn mine in in the next month or so.
Thanks for the great lay-out and Congratulations Lee! Mark, Can TSPA be followed simultaneously with THT 4.0? I cut from 175 lbs to 165 lbs with more definition and a slimmer waist (Kri’s Gethin’s 12 week transformation on bb.com), but as always I intend to pack on lean muscle without the fat (everyone’s dream). Please do advise – I am contemplating on starting TSPA and also USPlabs Yok3d (supplement).
Thanks in advance,
I wanted to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone for such good feedback (minus a few haters but hey, whatever.)
Few things I wanted to put out there.
1. 100% real. Yes, my testimonial and information is absolutely 100% true and recent. I would be happy to skype, chat in person, or on the phone with anyone and everyone who would like to, in order to help, or prove anything. Would you really rather see pictures of people who barely lost any weight but that seems more “real” to you. Aren’t we all here so we can have major, life changing events.
2. The information provided on marks website and in his book is not some made up on the spot new fad diet or exercise program. As he says ,as well as others its everything you’ve ever been told your whole life, just tweaked to perfection, and summarized into a very understanding, and easy to use website. Its clear and laid out in a way that anyone can understand, not like the internet which is 100,000 people telling you a million things to try and do.
3. I provided all my information before mark even asked me for it. I didn’t post it to advertise, nor do I feel i put out too much info. All information I put on here was simply to show i’m a real person, not some paid actor or crap like that. Mark asked me before posting what information I felt comfortable with providing. I am an open person, with nothing to hide, ESPECIALLY MY OLD FAT. I posted my information publicly as I hope that anyone who needs help, can find some. I had a life changing experience here, and if I can help even 1 person do the same, then honestly I feel like i’m saving a life.
In short I have never felt better, looked as good, or been as physically and mentally fit as I am now. I was doing well before, but I was lost without real direction, trying out what things I thought would work w/o doing enough real research and executing poorly. Mark has helped me in a way I never thought possible. So much for high school fears of being shirtless, or hating the pool / beach due to fear of people starting at me.
Life is good, and for that Mark, I say THANK YOU. People can choose to believe in mark and people like myself, or you can continue on your path getting no where which honestly, is a sad and long road.
To my fellow Muscle Hackers, lets change the world, 1lb of muscle at a time!
Amazing job Lee, I can’t believe some people would think ANYTHING on mark’s site is fake.
Awesome job Lee!!! It’s an incredible, natural high isn’t it!!
@Andreas @Sammy. Exactly.
@ITEMM. TSPA has its own training program similar to THT but optimised to work with a cutting diet.
@Lee. Thanks for that AWESOME comment!
One thing of note with respect to Lee’s testimonial is the timeline he provided. He did not claim some “overnight” success. It took him a year of cardio to figure out it was only half-working and then another almost-year of Mark’s program. He proves that it’s hard work, not a quick fix, that leads to success in body reshaping. How in the hell could anyone find that “fake”?
Lee, Outstanding job! Welcome to the club of TSPA success.
Mark I can’t hardly wait until tomorrow. I am looking forward to a new routine (THT 4). Especially if it’s as good as the others or better.
Great work, Lee. Enjoy your summer physique!! Many of us are very thankful to Mark. This website has som much great information that has helped me with my lean gains!
All the best to you, Lee and thank-you, Mark!
Awesome work Lee!!
Thanks, everyone! There’s been a great response to this article. The testimonials have been flooding in recently! 🙂