I call it the “Goldilocks” principle of muscle building!
You remember Goldilocks, right? The porridge that was not too hot, not too cold, but just right?
Years ago when I first started my real research into the science of building muscle, I discovered a similar principle. There is:
A rep range and a “time under load” that is not too low, nor too high, but just right for stimulating optimal increases in muscle size
The following is a section from my free training guide Targeted Hypertrophy Training, which you can download for free by entering your details below…
During your workouts there is a window of opportunity in every set in which to stimulate the body to build muscle. You simply CANNOT afford to mess this up.
THT specializes in muscle growth. This being the case, we specifically want our body to make the ANAEROBIC adaptation of increasing the size of its muscle fibers, in particular, the fast twitch fibers.
Obviously then we must train in a way that MAXIMIZES anaerobic adaptations. With me so far? Good.
When training for size gains, a set should not be too short, nor too long. What I mean by this is that there is a certain duration that a set should last that ensures you are actually stimulating muscle growth. You will sometimes hear this referred to as ‘Time Under Load’.
Muscle growth can be stimulated from sets lasting anywhere from as little as 20 seconds right up to 60 seconds long. Therefore, for each and every set you’ll pick a weight that causes you to reach a point of muscular failure anywhere between 20 and 60 seconds.
This is the “Goldilocks” principle of building muscle. It’s the ‘THT Anabolic Window’ and you need to train within this time-frame for maximum muscle growth.
THT will always target that sweet spot in the middle and optimize your potential for growth!
A Goldilocks Rep Range?
So reps-wise, what is not too low, nor too high?
Well, it has been demonstrated that lifting 60%-85% of your 1 Rep Max is the single best way to stimulate growth according to this meta-analysis [1] (a study of studies).
This translates reps-wise into a low of 6 reps per set, to a high of 12 reps per set. The EXACT reps-per-set used in THT training.
Training at a max of 12 reps per set is also recommended by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
In addition, all intelligent people in this field know and recommend this: Tom Venuto, Charles Poliqin, Mark Sisson, and many more. This isn’t my mere opinion. It’s a fact!
Each and every set of THT training will have you training OPTIMALLY within the ANABOLIC WINDOW.
Rep ranges that are too high stimulate more aerobic changes, and reps that are too low are simply incapable of generating any satisfactory increases in size for the reasons I outline in this article about the ineffectiveness of 5×5 workouts.
To conclude, keep your sets short, intense, and in the Goldilocks zone – you’ll soon witness the FASTEST muscle growth you’ve ever had!
Train With Intensity!
[1] The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Wernbom M, Augustsson J, Thomeé R.
Great write up! Thanx for the info!
eureka! where can i get this THA the soup bowls speak of ? 😉
@Drafting. I’ve tried, but that sentence isn’t making a lick of sense to me.
Hahaha that’s what it says in the illustration in your article :p
Btw jnr was and is still fantastic for me. I’ve got a friend eager to join, he can’t wait for your next intake 🙂
@Muhammad. Ah I see, I didn’t make the pic.
Cool, actually I might move the next JnR intake up a bit to mid June rather than 1st July 😀
Mark how about muscle parts that have a shorter range of motion like calves, traps, and forearms, I find my calves never did responded well to 8 to 12 rep range
You might wanna include references mate, especially since MH is gonna keep growing and growing and a TON of ppl will frequent your site 🙂
Sweeeet, we’ll keep an eye out for any updates on jnr
@Kr. Yes, such small range movements have shorter “time under loads” even when the reps are the same because each rep is completed quicker. So you can do higher rep ranges for those – wrist curls, calf raises, trap shrugs. It’s optional. I’m not 100% convinced it’s going to be more effective, but it’s certainly an option. 12-16 reps at a max will work.
4 weeks into my 12 week journey! Getting some really awesome gains!! And they seem to be speeding up and not slowing down haha just awessomee. Thanks Mark… you teachings have taught me sooo much over the years and the more experience I get first hand the more I think about your THT book. To positive failure, with that in mind every set I just cant fail !! 🙂 ……before this journey I hadnt trained since mid 2013.
Where or how can I purchase your book,I need a workout schedule n a meal plan,I’ve been working out for 6 months n seen little results,need help: