Just Some of the Ladies of T.H.T. (so far)
What T.H.T. Ladies Are Saying
Don’t take it from me, here’s what others are saying!
“I found the MuscleHack site in January of this year. I couldn’t believe the difference it made in my training! I gained more muscle and got so much stronger in 2 months than I had the entire YEAR of training before! The difference in the amount of muscle I have now is amazing!”
Brandi McAtee – NPC Competitor (Yes THT is for women too)
I was contacted on Instagram by Vy, who wanted to tell me she was beginning the THT training 3-day full body routine.
She says she’s excited. She reports she’s setting new personal bests. Cool
You can get her on Instagram here.

Stephanie Robinson after pregnancy said, “I’ve reached goal! I’m really excited about my progress. To be honest what I love the most is that I’ve maintained an extremely feminine look which was my goal 😉
Thanks again for all your great tips!”
This is Stephanie’s Instagram
Got a friend or training partner who could use this?
Add their email below and they’ll get the download link.
THT is the training system design specifically for the purpose of making your muscles harder, more toned, denser, bigger and stronger.
It’s scientifically-backed, free, and incredibly effective for adding hard, defined, toned muscle fast. It answers all your questions and tells you exactly how and when to train. It tells you in crystal clear language.
The full and free THT workout routine (there is nothing to buy)
Free THT Exercise Bank (a list of the most effective substitute exercises)
Free THT Quick-Start Infographic – start training correctly in about 3 minutes
Free downloadable and printable THT Workout Logs
Free way to track your progress via a mobile app
…and it’s all backed by real science. No wonder girls and guys are getting the gains of their life with free THT training!
About the Creator of THT Training

Hey, I’m Mark McManus 🙂 I’m CEO of MuscleHack and a trainer to thousands around the world.
I created THT Training after researching all the current findings on training for size and strength. The most exciting thing is that over the past year I have seen a record number of women starting on THT Training! It’s been fantastic to see 🙂
My work has been featured in Iron Man magazine, Perfect Body Magazine, Bodybuilding.com, LifeHack.org, LiveStrong, and many top publications and sites.