What Is Creatine & How Does It Work?

What Is Creatine & How Does It Work?

Do you want to know the REAL scoop on creatine? Does it work? Will it make you big? Is it safe? Most importantly? How the hell does it actually work? What does it actually do? If you want to know, READ THIS ARTICLE. Not only will you be clued in, but you’ll be...
The Case For Creatine

The Case For Creatine

If you would like: Increased Muscle Size Better Workout Performance Faster Recovery …then you should be supplementing with creatine. I know a lot of you still don’t (or won’t) take it. I believe this is a mistake; creatine works AND it has been...

My Creatine Experiment Update

A while ago I experimented with an alternative method of creatine supplementation. This was the short-term loading method: 3 days load (approx. 20 grams a day) 3 days off I have commented on my results on the forum and in ‘Total Anabolism 2.0’, but I...
Creatine Facts! What Is The Best Creatine?

Creatine Facts! What Is The Best Creatine?

Ok, time for Mark to say, “I told you so”. Please DO NOT ignore this article, it may just provide you with much better muscle gains and more money in your wallet! Every few months a supplement company comes out with new product that’s “better...
Creatine Facts! What Is The Best Creatine?

Will Taking Creatine Leave You Bloated?

It’s pretty much universally agreed that creatine works! One concern that pops up from time to time is water retention. Some people complain that creatine will make them look smoother i.e. they’ll lose definition on it. They believe that there is more...

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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

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