One Arm Reverse PushdownsThe One-Arm Reverse Pushdown is a great little finisher to your tricep workout.

Consider this movement a substitute or replacement for Pinwheel Curls at the end of your workout.

Don’t even think about replacing one of your main tricep exercises with this (like pushdowns, tricep extensions). This is a relatively light finishing movement.

To get a full range of motion (getting your hand out to the side at the bottom) it is much better to do these unilaterally i.e. one arm at a time.

One-Arm Reverse Pushdown


bulletpoint Grab the cable attachment from a high pulley with an underhand grip (palms up)

bulletpoint Position your elbow to the side

bulletpoint Now straighten/extend arm down fully i.e. don’t stop until the arm is fully locked out

bulletpoint A full range of motion is so important with this exercise, so raise the arm up until the forearm is as high as it gets.

bulletpoint Do this raising slowly under full muscular control.

bulletpoint Bear in mind that you’ll have to use a pretty light weight here. That’s ok since it’s only a finishing move.

bulletpoint It’s also ok if your elbow also comes up a little at top of the movement; in fact it’s pretty much necessary to get that full range of motion.

bulletpoint A higher rep range works best here. Try 14-16 reps to failure.

Add this in at the end of your next tricep day to experience the slightly different stimulation it provides.

I’ll add this exercise to the THT exercise bank as an alternative to pinwheel curls.

Have a happy Monday and a great week of THT training!


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