Wouldn’t it be cool if drinking water could burn extra calories?

Let’s say you are cutting to get that six pack for summer; wouldn’t it be nice to have a few of those calories burned effortlessly?

Well, it can be done. Ice cold water burns more calories than water at room-temperature.

How Does It Work?

Throughout the day take your water ice cold. The reason is that your body has to heat this water up, expending energy (calories) in the process.

It requires 1 calorie (kilocalorie really) to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.

It must raise the temperature up to 37 degrees Celsius. There are 1892.72 grams in 64 ounces of water.

Therefore you’ll expend an extra 70 calories a day by drinking 64 ounces of water ice-cold (1.89 Kg x 37 = 69.93). On a cutting diet you should be drinking more than this, 96 ounces at the very least. Drink your water in small glasses or cups to avoid it heating up before you’ve gotten the thing finished!

One criticism I have heard of this is by those who think that it requires 1 calorie (1/1000th of a kilocalorie) to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius; It is 1 kilocalorie.

By the way, when your food packaging says ‘contains 400 calories per 100 grams’ – that’s kilocalories. It has just become common today to call a kilocalorie a ‘calorie’ 😉

Your buddy,

Mark McManus

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