A pic was uploaded to the MuscleHack Facebook page the other day.
I was impressed with this guy’s abs to say the least!
He wrote beside the pic, “Total Six Pack Abs is the best program available“.
So I thought to myself, “Ok, I wanna see this transformation!“. So I asked Al about his success on the program and he kindly sent me some more pics and the following words…
“Mark, I wish I had known about your program and all of the great information a couple of years ago.
“I’m 44 years old and for the first time in my life I have myself down to 9% bodyfat with abs to show. Almost two years ago I started to diet, lift and do a ton of cardio. I dont really know for sure but if I was to guess I would say I was at 27% plus bodyfat.
“After about 19 months I had lost some weight, but also lost too much muscle and still couldn’t see any abs. I have to admit that I fell into the trap of trying every supplement there is to try. I was still at 17% bodyfat and I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.

Al Before Discovering MuscleHack
“I then found an article of yours through bodybuilding.com. and I was hooked from that moment on! I did the MANS diet with T.H.T. training and everything started to come together.

Al after discovering the MANS diet & THT Training
“I purchased Total Six Pack Abs back in January and finally put it to use in mid February. I did T.S.P.A. for exactly 6 weeks. The more I followed your guidelines the faster I started to cut. I always have a ton of energy, my vascularity has gone crazy and I feel great all the time.

Al After Just 6 Weeks On Total Six Pack Abs (pic 1)

Al After Just 6 Weeks On Total Six Pack Abs (pic 2)
“This is addictive and I was thinking of trying to get down to 7%, but I have changed my goal to adding 5 lbs of lean muscle by September while staying at 10% bf.
“Keep up the great work on your website, I enjoy it big time.
“Mark, I can’t thank you enough.
Al in Phoenix, AZ”
In the interest of authenticity, this is Al’s Facebook profile.
I LOVE receiving this kind of feedback from readers.
If you want to share something, the easiest way is probably through the Facebook page.
Posts like this always light my fire. I’m away to train!
Your buddy,
Wow. That’s an INCREDIBLE transformation! Well done Al!
This is great but am not convinced this guy is real – he only has 3 facebook friends and funnily enough has a pic of his abs as his profile pic . . . . .suspicious . . .
Holy RIPPED is right! Amazing transformation & great work Al!!!
Big Al!
I think he looked better before. Now he has that veined-out look. He could use a little more body fat.
I’m with Mark on that one, it almost seems like those profiles that have a girl with 1 half naked photo and 1-4 friends. I knew girls in College who used to make profiles like that, just to see the responses they’d get.
Real or fake his abs are popping out. Inspiration for me. It takes alot of disipline to get abs like that. Anybody have an extra copy of total six pack abs they want to give me. Im on a total tight budget, Construction work is slow, help a brother out. Mike in wisconsin
I don’t even have a Facebook account or profile so I must not be real at all !!!
I think he stumbled on the Facebook and wanted to post a picture (we asked him) and so had to make an account and just used the closest picture available. This is all understandable. You can’t post on Facebook without an account, even if you really don’t use facebook. I’m voting for Big Al as a real person right now.
Ok, to the “Is it fake because he only has 3 facebook friends?” people. If you look at his facebook wall, he says, “This is my lifting site, that I dont share with anyone other than other body builders” and, “Musclehackers welcomed”. I came to the same conclusion as John A Davis above: the profile was created solely to interact with fellow MuscleHackers since you can’t do this without a profile (this would also explain the profile pic being his six-pack, would it not?).
Fact is, this guy has done a remarkable job with his body and deserves the credit for it. There never has been, nor never will be, a fake testimonial on MuscleHack.
Amazing! Congrats!!!
Mark, the guy says that this profile is only for bodybuilders, not the personal one. I think its real because if it was me, I wouldn’t add that kind of pictures in my personal profile 🙂
Hi Mark, great article, I’m very confident that anything that is on your site is real, these people that think otherwise annoy me to be honest, maybe they should try something else, as it is insulting some the comments above.
That said, I think you should run the offer on tspa again so I can get a copy, this guy has inspired me too.
That is funny that a couple of you don’t believe. Follow what the Musclehacker has put before you and it will happen. Like I said in my facebook account and what Mark M. said, I created the facebook account just for other Musclehackers. What exactly do you want to see on my account?
Super job, Al! Best of luck with your new goals!!
It doesn’t matter whether it is true or not, what matters me most is his bloody good looking abs. Wish I had them. Really Well done Man!
@Al. If I were you, I’d actually take it as a compliment. Your results were that good that they find it hard to believe. Oh well. If you know what you’re doing, getting ripped isn’t all that hard, but these people must think it’s impossible or something.
Ah well at least it prompted some discussion over the authenticity of the testimonial . . the sad fact is that we have to question everything online these days – there are too many people who go to great lengths to falsify information on the web . . but i accept the reassurance Mark has given on this one . . great site and totally motivating
Wow, that’s all ? Now you gaved me a reason to start something. I will do every thing like you said in your article and after it i will see , but i know that it needs lots of effort and everything must go through. Thanks for the tips and great article.
i also questioned this authenticity, cos if some of you look at xiaxxue’s blog, you will find crazy shit ppl would do on the line. (go read it, a guy has a fake relationship with himself on the net for 8 months) so its no entirely possible!! kudos for his body, i think he has a great looking body TSPA onot!!
Truly one of the most incredible transformations I have ever seen! If this doesn’t get you motivated to follow Mark’s wisdom to eat right and train with intensity, I don’t know what will.. Congrats on the very impressive hard work Al and, as always, thanks for everyhing Mark!
Does the six pack abs diet give you lots of energy?
I’m a mountain biker so I need energy for days out on the bike. Also I’m happy with my muscles and want to switch my weight training to focus on strength,not size.
Could I follow this diet and have good results doing my biking and strength training? I am about 12-14% bf so I don’t have that much to lose.
Oh and amazing transformation!!! Wouldn’t mind having abs like those 😛
Fantastic job al, you look great, Keep up the hard work.