I know I’m not the only one. Do you ever hear any of the following from friends/family? Let me know…


(1) WHAT THEY SAY: “When you get older, that muscle will turn to fat”.

WHAT I SAY: Muscle tissue CANNOT turn into fat. It’s an impossibility. There really isn’t anything else to say about that.


(2) WHAT THEY SAY:  “My clothes are getting looser, but the scale isn’t going down.”

WHAT I SAY: And your point is?

Forget the scales. Scales suck. Muscle occupies less space than fat (pound for pound). If you’re losing inches but not weight, you’re adding muscle at the same time. This is a reason for celebration, certainly not a reason to be concerned.


myprotein-kitchen(3) WHAT THEY SAY: “You got enough protein there, Mark?!”

WHAT I SAY: Shhhh, be quiet. This is commonly said when people enter my kitchen for the first time and see my whey protein bags lol. Still…it’s annoying.

(The pic was taken today in my kitchen. By the way, that Chocolate muffin whey at the front is amazing!

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(4) WHAT THEY SAY: “You’re denying yourself. Food is a pleasure”.

WHAT I SAY: I live for the longer-term. I’m the furthest thing from a “YOLO” person you’ve ever met in your life. I made a video response for just such an occasion…


GNC-meme(5) WHAT THEY SAY: “The guy at GNC said…”


WHAT I SAY: I’ll just stop you there. Just stop.





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Extremely easy anabolic recipes with simple ingredients that makes fueling muscle growth feel like a cheat meal! Bars, cookies, pizza, ice cream...see pics and recipes here.

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A brand new workout including 9 x advanced "Shock & Awe" hypertrophy techniques to ignite pounds of new gains! It's "Game-Changing" time! Got at least 1yrs training experience? It may be time to go advanced! You've never trained like this before. Get all the details here.

Stay Shredded

Stay shredded all year – no more long cutting cycles. If you’ve ever gotten ripped abs only to lose them a few weeks later, you need to know the secrets of staying shredded without fasting and without giving up cheat meals. I’m ripped all year – you should be too! Details here.

Shoulder Blast Workout

In Jan 2019 a bunch of 'lab rats' tested the New Shoulder Blast Workout and gained up to 2.5 inches in shoulder size in 7-10 days! There is a very specific type of training stress that works uniquely well for the shoulders. You're about to target it...hard! More details here.

The Arm Blast Experiment

Gain up to an inch on your arms over the next week with new "hyper-intense" training techniques that literally force new arm growth. The workout is based on the results of an online study conducted by Mark from MuscleHack. More details here.

Chest Blast Workout

3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up to 3 inches in chest growth! A workout that will fry every muscle fiber in your pecs and literally force new and permanent growth...fast! More details here.

The Leg Blast Workout

An explosive training package for fast leg gains! 1 week | 3 x 90 minute workouts | "hyper-intense" techniques = big & fast leg gains. Up to 3 inches in growth. See more details and testimonials here.


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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

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