barbell bicep curlsEverybody wants BIG and defined biceps.

However, when it comes to training them, some people get it terribly wrong.

This article will set you straight as far as Bicep Curls are concerned.

Watch the video first then read the instructions below.

How To Do Barbell Bicep Curls

 Lift the bar with an underhand grip about shoulder width apart.

 Soften the knees with a slight bend

 With elbows at your side, lift the bar up until the peak contraction point of the biceps. This is the point BEFORE the forearms are vertical. Most trainers will tell you to “go to vertical”. The problem is that this actually takes the resistance OFF the biceps as the weight is simply resting on your bones and not actively CONTRACTING against the biceps. So stop at the point where the biceps are MAXIMALLY contracted (a few inches before vertical)

 Now lower the bar under FULL muscular control; no dropping the bar here.

 It should take about 1 second to lift the bar, and around 2 seconds to lower it.

Optimized Form

 Barbell Bicep Curls are an exercise where Optimized or Controlled Loose Form will improve performance.

 As shown in the video, have your torso bent over slightly before starting each rep.

 INITIATE the rep by lifting the bar with the biceps ONLY.

 Once the bar is already moving, allow your torso to move back into a straight up position.

 There is a sticking point in the middle of the range of motion during bicep curls. Optimized form here is not about cheating or creating momentum; it simply DISTRIBUTES the resistance more evenly throughout the whole range of motion. The result is heavier weights used and more reps completed. This creates more OVERLOAD, which stimulates more GROWTH.

NOTE: You CAN take a short breather at the bottom between reps towards the end of the set. Some lactic acid will flush out and stave off fatigue allowing you to generate more overload with more reps.

Try this form ASAP and experience the extra growth stimulation 😀

Let me know how you like it below.

Train With Intensity!

Mark (on Facebook? Click ‘like‘ below or I’ll ‘accidentally’ drop my barbell on your toes)

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